Smart Energy Requires Reliable Messaging
Smart Energy
All stages of energy generation, distribution, and consumption have specific process management. It is possible to get deeper details and information about data with the centralization and processing of sensor data. It is extremely easy to obtain sensor data in the production-consumption processes of energy and to centralize and process it with the FAZ3 IoT service and intervene when necessary at today’s technology level.
You can be notified about critical data among millions of data generated in the sensor network with the rules motor owned by the FAZ3 IoT Platform and you can even generate automatic activity plans. Thus, you will be able to see and prevent critical issues that may occur.

The first thing that comes to mind about energy is electricity. You can design external sensors that can provide data from the lowest level to the highest level for the level of electricity, current drawn, and consumption values, or the data produced by the equipment in the industry standards on the FAZ3 IoT Platform. With the table and graph tools of FAZ3, you can enrich your reports and make performance analyses.
You understood that natural gas and oil distribution lines, which are other sources of the energy sector, can be monitored centrally 24/7 and manual/automatic interventions can be provided when necessary.
You can use dashboard, reporting, and rule managements formed with prepared widgets provided to you by the FAZ3 IoT Platform in all energy matters projects. Additionally, we would like to remind you that the FAZ3 IoT Platform will provide you with the ease of transferring the raw data to your existing management corporate systems over the MQTT protocol or with REST API integration. Thus, you can use the FAZ3 IoT Platform as a gateway enabling you to manage sensor data for your corporate and personal web and mobile applications.